
30 August 2011

Pew Bow Tutorial

After I saw the price of tulle bows ($7.99 for one bow!), I decided to buy tulle and make them myself.

I made two sizes: large bows to hang on the church pews and small bows to attach to a tulle garland. I based my project on the Pew Bows and a Bow Tutorial from Jill Rule & Co.

This project requires a ruler, corkboard (or thick foam), pins and tulle. I recommend T pins; sewing pins bend too easily.

I placed two pins 15 inches (7 inches for the smaller bows) apart. Then I wrapped the tulle around the pins approximately 10 times. 

I cut a piece of tulle about 5 inches long. I wrapped it around the loops and tied a knot.

After I tied the knot, I pulled the loops into fluffy bows. 

The bows were an easy project that only took a couple hours. I recommend this project to the indie and/or frugal bride.

If you liked these tulle pew bows, you will also like the DIY Pom Poms on Once Wed's site.


  1. What do you estimate it took in yards of you'll to make one bow?

  2. 10 wraps at 15" each is 150" or just over 4 yds. I'd make the tales longer so I'd do 5 yds of tulle.
